A Golden Hour
In my experience, every wedding day has got to have a healthy dose of chaos. It's just one of the ingredients that makes the day charmingly memorable.
For Camille and Scott, this meant waiting an extra hour to get married, due to a circumstance completely out of their control. They handled the surprise SO graciously, as did their family, friends and vendors. (I was honestly shocked!) It gave everyone a chance to step back and remember what they were really there for: Camille and Scott.
While the delay wasn't really anyone's ideal, I watched each minute go by in secret anticipation. When their ceremony did start, we were smack dab in the middle of golden hour - that magical time of day right before the sun hits the horizon. Their ceremony, and the rest of the evening for that matter, was absolutely breathtaking. Congratulations, Camille and Scott, and may you continue to encounter life's obstacles with such grace!

Venue = Langdon Farms Golf Club